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What is the app watching?
- Your speed. The app uses your phone’s location services. That means it knows what road you’re on. That means it knows the speed limit on the road you’re on. And since it keeps track of where you are and when, that means it knows how fast you’re going. (Statistically speaking, under normal road conditions, the optimal speed is exactly the speed limit.)
- Hard acceleration. Your phone has an accelerometer built into it. If you slam the accelerator down (don’t), it’ll record the event.
- Hard braking. Again, the accelerometer in the phone knows when you stomp on the brakes; it’ll record when you do.
- Hard turns. If you yank the steering wheel side to side at speed, the accelerometer will record this too.
- Phone usage. Don’t. If you use your phone actively while driving, it’ll be recorded. Your phone should be on, with KarChing DE running in the background, while sitting in your pocket, or purse, or backpack, or mounted on the dashboard. Hands off while on the roll!
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